Smart ESM pH Probe Replacement

A quick guide to replacing pH Probe

Replace the pH sensor only when water is flowing through the measuring cell, as installing it dry can dry out the electrolyte and cause damage. Handle the pH probe carefully, avoiding contact with the electrical contacts to prevent grease contamination that could impair performance.

Before proceeding with the replacement of the pH probe, please ensure that the system is fully powered down.

Check that the new probe to be installed is damage free and has liquid in the protective transportation cap (If this is dry, the pH probe will need replacing). 



Step 1: Shut down power to the ESM unit vie the main breaker on the side of the enclosure (wait 3 
minutes for system to completely shut down). 


Step 2: Remove the probe and disconnect the cable.

Step 3:  Discard the old probe.


Step 4: Reconnect the cable to the new probe, insert the sachets, and press "pH Cal." 


Step 5: Calibrate the pH Probe, following the procedure found here: here


Step 6: Reinsert and hand-tighten the probe.

Step 7: Check that the pH tile is present at the display and blue.