SmartBilge+ Get your accessory activation PIN...

How to obtain your accessory activation PIN(s)



The SmartBilge+ has the ability to allow crew to turn optional upgrade features ON using PINs generated by Rivertrace.

To obtain your activation PIN, the serial number of the SmartBilge+ Controller PCB and proof of parameter purchase must be sent to Rivertrace. 

This will allow Rivertrace to generate and share a PIN that is specific for the host PCB that will only activate the parameter purchased.

PINs last for 5 days from the date they are generated. The PIN will automatically expire after 5 days. The PIN will need regenerating if the customer does not complete the activation within this period.


Requesting your activation PIN(s)

In order for Rivertrace to generate the correct activation PIN(s) to fulfil you request, we require some information. Please use the following points as a checklist to obtain your PIN.

  • Rivertrace Sales order number for your requested software parameters.
  • Which parameters you wish to activate:
    • AutoClean wiper.
    • 5ppm oil alarm caps.
    • Sample Flow Switch.
    • GPS Input.
    • Oily water separator discharge flowmeter.
      • Any number or combination of parameters can be used together. 
  • Serial number of your SmartBilge+ controller PCB. 
  • Confirmation that you have the necessary hardware onboard for the parameter (your PIN will expire 5 days after issuing so the upgrade should be planned in good time). 

Please contact to obtain your activation PIN(s). 


Quick tip...

If you want to make the purchase now, but schedule the work in for a later date, please let our sales team know the date you wish for the 5 day period to begin.

Rivertrace can generate a pin that will remain active for 5 day, starting on your chosen date. 


Finding your SmartBilge+ Controller PCB serial number. 

You can find your SmartBilge+ controller PCB serial number in two locations. The number is printed on a white label, adhered to the front of the PCB and the number is saved within the "Version Info" option in the customer menu of your SmartBilge+. Please see images below: 


SmartBilge+ Controller PCB



Controller alternative


Available software parameters

The following parameters can be purchased at any time and activated by crew:

SmartBilge+ AutoClean (accessory 1)

The SmartBilge+ Autoclean software activation can only be obtained with an AutoClean hardware kit. If either of the following three kits have been purchased, an activation PIN may be supplied on proof of purchase.

The PIN number should only be requested once the hardware kit is onboard to ensure that there is adequate time to install, prior to PIN expiry.

SmartBilge+ 230vac AutoClean Kit part number - 110224

SmartBilge+ 115vac AutoClean Kit part number - 110225

SmartBilge+ 24vac AutoClean Kit part number - 110226


5ppm Maximum alarm limits (accessory 2)

Enabling 5ppm alarm caps will limit the maximum alarm point setting in the customer menu to 5ppm instead of the 15ppm standard limit. 

SmartBilge+ 5ppm cap software activation part number – 113719


SmartBilge+ Sample Flow switch (accessory 3)

The Flow switch option for the SmartBilge+ enables the monitor to generate an alarm when the sample flow is stopped to the SmartBilge+ measuring cell.

Although we strongly recommend the use of the Rivertrace flow switch hardware kit, the software activation can be purchased separately, for use with existing hardware, where applicable. 

SmartBilge+ Sample Flow switch software activation part number - 113715

SmartBilge+ Sample Flow switch hardware kit part number - 113619

The PIN number should only be requested once the hardware kit is onboard to ensure that there is adequate time to install, prior to PIN expiry.


SmartBilge+ GPS (accessory 5)

This parameter can be used with the ships GPS system, providing that the vessel can supply the correct GPS signal to the SmartBilge+. 

Alternatively, the Rivertrace GPS hardware kit can be purchased and used for maximum reliability and the added security of having a true standalone security system.

The GPS requirements are:

  • NMEA 0183
  • 2-Wire RS485
  • 4800 Baud rate
  • $GPRMC sentence

If the vessel cannot provide this GPS input entirely, the Rivertrace GPS hardware kit must be installed

SmartBilge+ GPS Software activation part number - 113716

SmartBilge+ GPS Hardware kit part number - 113616

If a the GPS hardware kit is purchased, The PIN number should only be requested once the hardware kit is onboard to ensure that there is adequate time to install, prior to PIN expiry.


SmartBilge+ Discharge Flow meter (accessory 6)

This parameter allows the SmartBilge+ to accept passive mA signal from a flow meter measuring the overboard discharge flow from the oily water separator. The SmartBilge+ will emit 24V DC to power the passive mA flow meter.

The vessel can use an existing flow meter if already onboard and compatible. Rivertrace prefer to  provide a specially designed flow meter hardware kit.

SmartBilge+ Discharge flow meter software activation part number - 113717

SmartBilge+ Discharge Flow Meter hardware kit part number - 113615

If a hardware kit is purchased, the PIN number should only be shared once the hardware kit is onboard to ensure that there is adequate time to install, prior to PIN expiry.